- 双语例句
Construction, Expression, Purification and Antiviral Activity of Fused Interferon - BLA ( IFN - BLA )
融合干扰素-BLA ( IFN-BLA)的构建 、 表达 、 纯化及抗病毒活性测定(英文 )
PCR were using to detect bla ( TEM ), bla ( SHV ) and bla ( CTX - M ) genes.
应用聚合酶链反应(PCR)方法扩增产ESBLs株的bla ( TEM ) 、 bla ( SHV ) 和bla ( CTXM ) 基因.
There were no any double labeled neurons found in BLA a + nd BLP either.
在BLA和BLP未发现HRP- SOM、 HRP- ENK、HRP-SP免疫 阳性双标记神经元.
It asks you'save file bla - bla - bla " only after it recieves the file.
收文件后,询问你 “ 是否保存文件”.
Strains carrying bla _ ( SHV ) and bla _ ( TEM ) were 45 ( 60.8 % ) and 23 ( 31.1 % ), respectively.
74株产ESBLs细菌 中携带bla_ ( SHV ) 和bla_ ( TEM ) 基因的阳性例数分别是45例 ( 60.8% ) 和23例 ( 31.1% ).
Method The FCC and clavulanic were regarded as the inhibitors of AmpC BLA and ESBLs respectively.
方法 氟氯西林和克拉维酸分别作为AmpCBLA和ESBLs的抑制剂.
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