- 双语例句
Becoming a baseball fan was a byproduct of my research into sport on TV.
Sugar and its byproduct are the basis of the island's economy.
Refinery and petrochemical operation produce a variety of byproduct gases.
The chief byproduct of combustion is silicon dioxide ( sand ).
燃烧的主要副产品是二氧化硅 ( 沙 ).
One byproduct he worked with was coal tar , which , when distilled, produced naphtha.
他试验用的一个副产品是煤焦油, 煤焦油经过蒸馏生成石脑油.
As a kind of byproduct of the botanical pesticide, the seed cake was value in use.
作为植物源杀虫剂的副产品, 苦皮藤籽粕具有开发利用价值.
A useless or worthless byproduct, as from a manufacturing process.
Peanut hull has found wide utility in China , a major peanut producer where the byproduct abounds.
Spent Potlining ( SPL ) is the byproduct waste of electrolytic aluminum industry.
铝电解槽废旧阴极碳(SpentPotlining 简称 SPL ) 是铝电解工业产生的废料之一.
Disdain for pain control is also a byproduct of Japan's medical system.
As they do such inner work , they automatically report that they're happier as a byproduct.
随着他们从内开始改变,就像副产品一样,随之, 他们会自然而然地觉得他们更开心了.
However, The CTC as a byproduct in the production of chloromethane is about 3 ~5 %.
然而在甲烷氯化物的生产过程中, 不可避免地要有3-5%左右的副产物四氯化碳生成.
Two methods of extracting maize oil from the byproduct of producing corn alcohol were introduced.
Such a strategy cannot simply emerge as a byproduct of US military campaigns.
The age comes as a byproduct of the duration of my experiences.
The second secret is realizing that happiness is a byproduct of something else.
Then the goal would be the natural byproduct of my daily actions.
It is a byproduct of great, simple living.
它有一个很大的副产品, 就是简单的生活.
As a result of promoting responsibility, I discovered that obedience followed as a natural byproduct.
由于责任感增强的结果, 我发现服从就自然随之而来.
The formation and variation rule of disinfection byproduct in chloramination process were studied.
Pationce is a byproduct of tribulations; It isn't granted, it is learned.
耐心是磨难的副产品, 不是给予的, 必须自己学会经历.
Silver is often obtained as a byproduct during the separation of lead from rock.
The waste gas carbon dioxide is produced as a byproduct and disposed of when we exhale.
The brewer's grains ( BSG ), the main byproduct of brewery, was hydrolyzed with neutrals.
以啤酒厂主要副产物啤 酒糟 为主要的原料, 利用中性蛋白酶对其蛋白质进行水解.
The fact that their participation could be averaged to create an answer is a fortunate byproduct.
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