- 双语例句
Repeat moving chessmen until all chessmen are interphase with black chessman and white chessman.
The number of white chessman is equal to the number of black chessman.
Taobao, but Ma had to stop to the ebay Alibaba b 2 b's chessman infiltration.
淘宝, 原本不过是马云用来阻止ebay向阿里巴巴b2b渗透的棋子.
Every forum worker and manager is a chessman of company.
People join the game using dices and chessman, winning or losing chips in the end.
博者不限人数,依序掷骰比色,以定进退黜陟,亦有筹码投注, 至终局而分胜负、定输赢.
Keeping this difficulty in view he held the extra chessman in reserve.
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