- brandy melville china中国白兰地
- a bull in a china shop笨手笨脚到处闯祸之人;
- brown china褐斑釉陶;
- bone chinan.骨灰瓷(用瓷土与磷酸钙烧成的半透明瓷器);
- china handn.中国通;
- china closetn.陶瓷器陈列柜;
- china cabinet瞅;
- china bowl瓷瓶;
- china astern.翠菊(产于中国);
- mainland china“中国大陆”应该是Chinese mainland;
- south chinan.华南;
- thick china贴面板;
- china welfare institute[医] 中国福利会;
- china classification society中国船级社;
- china space museum中华航空博物馆;
- bank of chinan.中国银行;
- china dailyn.中国日报;<中国日报>是中华人民共和国成立以来创办的第一份也是目前唯一的一份全国性英文日报。中国日报以权威、客观、迅捷的报道;向国内外读者介绍了我国政治、经济、文化、社会等各方面的讯息。<中国日报>是目前我国被境外各大通讯社、报刊、电台、电视台转载最高的媒体;在全球信息交流中代表中国的声音;
- 双语例句
The higher ISS value begot lower RTS and ASCOT - CHINA - Ps as well as higher mortality.
ISS值越高,RTS值越低,ASCOT_ CHINA _Ps越低,病死率越高.
The article introduces the development of CHINANET in recent years.
Vodafone has a small stake in China Mobile, the top wireless operator.
沃达丰(Vodafone)持有中国最大的移动电话运营商中国移动( ChinaMobile )的少量股份.
January S ( General Suchinda Kraprayoon ) overthrew elective ( elected ) civilian government.
The move by Beijing authorities , which also named a subsidiary of state - owned heavyweight Resources Land Ltd.
被北京市国土资源局点名的还有 国有 地产巨头华润置地有限公司(ChinaResourcesLandLtd.)的一家子公司.