- 双语例句
The movie sees Burton psychoanalysing Firth to cure him of his depression.
A burgh of northern Scotland on the Moray Firth at the terminus of the Caledonian Canal.
the Firth of Clyde
Firth here seemed to suggest the creativity and diversity of linguistic idiosyncrasy in language use.
This is a screen saver of the actor, Firth.
这是男演员, 科林峡湾的一个屏幕保护程序.
However, apart from Malinowski and Firth, the Egyptologist Gardiner's contribution should also receive due credit.
但是, 除了马林诺夫斯基和弗斯, 还应该看到语言学家加德纳的贡献.
Firth: Each word when used in a new context is a new word.
弗斯: 每个单词出现在不同的上下文中都是一个新的单词.
The hotel is situated on the sheltered shores of the Moray Firth.
Firth, established and perfected complete administered and regulatory system to promoting the reform of the government.
建立健全政府运行机制, 全方位实行政府改革.
Much of Scotland's east coast, either side of the Firth of Forth , was a restricted area.
苏格兰东海岸大部分地区, 即福思湾两岸, 都是禁区.
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