- 双语例句
Perez: You conceive its queer to fornicate with lax women?
基思: 你认为和那些骚娘们儿私通很有趣 吗 ?
So you think it's funny to fornicate with loose women?
你觉得和女人私通是件很有趣的事情 吗 ?
- 今日热词
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过去式: fornicated 过去分词: fornicated 现在分词: fornicating 第三人称单数: fornicates
Perez: You conceive its queer to fornicate with lax women?
基思: 你认为和那些骚娘们儿私通很有趣 吗 ?
So you think it's funny to fornicate with loose women?
你觉得和女人私通是件很有趣的事情 吗 ?