- 双语例句
Bernese software is used to resolve the baselines and network adjustment carried out with PowerADJ software.
基线解算采用了高精度的解算软件Bernese, 网平差使用了PowerADJ科研版.
The company recently received EATR's engine, which has been developed by Cyclone Power Technology of Florida.
最近公司收到了战术机器人的引擎, 它是由佛罗里达州的赛克隆电力科技公司(CyclonePowerTechnology)研发的.
Galbraith's first major book, published in 1952, is American Capitalism: The Concept of Countervailing Power.
加尔布雷斯的第一部重要作品, 出版于1952年, 题目是《美国资本主义: 对抗力的概念》(AmericanCapitalism:TheConceptofCountervailingPower).
PowerChat window, Logs and Room Managers to enhance your online chats.
powerchat窗口, 原木和经理室,以提高您的网上聊天室.
Uninterruptible Power Supply ( UPS ) is a power electronic device which provideshigh quality and uninterruptible electronic power.
不间断电源 ( UninterruptiblePowerSupply ) 是一种能提供优质电源并保证电源供应连续的电力电子装置.
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