- 双语例句
" We fear reprisals, signore, " the abbess murmured.
“ 我们怕报复, 先生, ” 女修道院院长喃喃地说.
Abbess Julia : Yes , I have to pay a visit.
是的, 我想去拜访一下.
The superior of an abbey is called an abbess.
Irish abbess; a patron saint of Ireland.
爱尔兰女修道院院长; 爱尔兰守护神.
At age 43 she became abbess of her community.
Abbess Julia: You're a millionairess!
朱莉亚: 你是一个女百万富翁!
A nun in charge of a priory or ranking next below the abbess of an abbey.
Franlein Maria, I don't know how much the Mother Abbess has told you?
玛丽亚小姐, 我不知道院长嬷嬷都跟你说了些什么?
" But , how can I open the grave by myself ? I had better consult with Abbess Shih. "
“ 我一人如何掘得开坟墓? 且和石道姑商量则个. ”
The abbess is not alone.
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