- 双语例句
Under the alienation of actuality, ugly with its most true appearance aligns from edge to center.
在异化的现实下, 丑以其最本真的状态由边缘走向中心.
The building looked as impressive in actuality as it did in photographs.
In actuality, Teddie did not have a disorder but merely a difficult temperament.
It exists in dreams rather than actuality.
To stop the fighting there requires the threat and probably the actuality of military force.
The woman he had seen performing on stage was in actuality quite older than she had seemed.
This " big company " in actuality is only a small shop.
这家 “ 大公司 ” 实际上只是一个小店.
A trip to the moon is now an actuality.
They talk about detente, but in actuality they are engaged in intense rivalry.
他们嘴里讲缓和, 骨子里却进行激烈的争夺.
Objective : To clarify the actuality and direction of vein transfusion used in our hospital.
目的: 了解某部队医院静脉输液的利用现状及趋势.
This paper summarized research actuality and expectation of biotech drugs in China.
There are both big plan having prospects and small plan having actuality in two plans.
In actuality, color is simply an indication of the breed of hen.
事实上, 鸡蛋颜色的区别仅仅表明母鸡的品种不同.
The paper sums up the intelligent monitoring actuality and trend of the DC panel.
There are many problems in the actuality of civil enforcement in our country.
Town poverty group has humble existence actuality.
When vow the loading not actuality, our love also disappeared.
当誓言承载不了现实的时候, 我们的爱情也就消失了.
First the research actuality of temperature stress is summed up in this paper.
In actuality, many applications need not even concern themselves with document or file management.
在现实中, 很多应用甚至不需要自己关注文档或者文件管理.
——About Face 3交互设计精髓
The concerned research actuality confirms the aspects and emphases of this paper.
Section three illustrates the actuality analysis of the emergency management system of our country.
The actuality of cultural participation of women in the Dongxiang nationality should be paid attention.
Rather, speculative theology is the ontology of the ens realissimum , the highest actuality as such.
而且, 思辨神学是theensrealissimum的本体论, 就其本身而论是最高实在.
The SLS technology actuality in and abroad is analyzed.
We must consider the potential, not the actuality.
我们应关注其发展, 而不是其现状.
At last, the author analyzes the actuality about our country's group action institution. "
第三部分:各国群体纠纷诉讼制度差异 评析.
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