- 双语例句
I will take the suggestion under advisement, and refer it to the board.
the University Advisement Center
Bryant must return to court in Eagle on August 6 for an advisement hearing.
Plan and implement all advisement activities.
Her advisement has no influence on her.
His advisement is all right in theory, but not for beening took root.
他的建议在理论上可以, 但不能付诸实现.
Minimum 2 years solid experience in advisement field . Experience in media as a plus.
最少2年的广告相关的工作经验, 有媒体工作经验优先.
The committees are taking your proposal under advisement, and will give you a decision shortly.
委员会正在仔细考虑你的建议, 并将很快对此做出决定.
The parliament took the president's tax policy under advisement and denied it.
V. All faculty members must meet basic requirements in teaching, research, service and advisement.
教学 、 研究 、 服务与辅导评鉴须通过校订基本门槛.
The new classification has the advantage of a comprehensive advisement and a clear assortment.
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