allure, attract, captivate, charm, enchant, fascinate
1.从词义上说:attract和captivate是“吸引”; allure是“引诱”; charm、enchant和fascinate是“迷惑,使着魔”。
2.从“吸引源”上说:attract和captivate用的是吸引者所具有的性质或特性; allure用的是美丽的、有魅力的东西或有效的手段、美好的前途等; charm、enchant和fascinate用的是符咒或魔法,更多的是用魔法般的事物。例如:
Her beauty captivated many.她的美貌吸引了许多人。
The swindler allured her by hopes.这骗子用希望引诱她。
This is a very charming village.这是一座非常迷人的村庄。
The witch enchanted the princess.女巫迷惑了公主。
The boy was fascinated by all the toys in the big department store.这孩子为大百货店里所有的玩具所迷惑。
3.从结果上说:attract指被吸引者有感应; captivate指控制住兴趣或感情; allure指被引诱而堕落或克服某人的抵触情绪或冷漠态度; charm指迷住其感官或心灵; enchant指激起羡慕或使其销魂; fascinate则指无法抵抗或不能逃脱。例如:
He was captivated by Mary.他被玛丽所迷。
Don't be allured into bars by the pretty waitresses.不要被美丽的女招待引诱至酒吧间。
Young children should rather be allured to learning by gentleness and love, than compelled to learning by beating and fear.对小孩子应该通过温柔和爱来诱导他们学习,而不能用打和恐吓强迫他们学习。
I was charmed with her fine singing.她那优美的演唱使我陶醉。
She was enchanted by the flowers you sent her.你送给她的花,她很喜欢。
Snakes are said to fascinate small animals and birds.据说蛇能蛊惑小动物和小鸟。
4.从程度上说:captivate意义最弱,只是暂时地吸引而不是长期地控制; enchant意义最强,已近乎疯狂。
allure, decoy, entice, inveigle, lure, seduce, tempt