- 双语例句
Cao Cao: Go to beauty parlour when beautician.
曹操: 去美容院当美容师.
Miss Fang is a beautician as well as a hair stylist.
Time may be a great healer, but it's a poor beautician.
时间也许是个高明的医师, 但却是个蹩脚的美容师.
She has been a beautician in a film crew.
My wife goes to a beautician and gets her nails and hair done together.
Don't worry , sir. The beautician will be free in a few minutes.
不要著急, 先生几分钟后就会有美容师来为你服务.
You pay the beautician in charge when you check the bill .
在付款时给负责的 美容师
Beautician ( Senior ), clothing models ( primary ) training.
美容师 ( 高级 ), 服装模特 ( 初级 ) 培训.
Time may be a great healer , but it's a poor beautician .
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