- 双语例句
To search an effective therapeutic method in treatment of bedsore.
Conclusion: MEBO is easy and simple to apply . It is an ideal remedy for treating bedsore.
结果: 32例病人创面全部愈合,方法简便、实用, 是治疗褥疮的理想方法.
Conclusion Compound plantain ointment has certain treatment function to bedsore.
Objective To study the effect of compound plantain ointment in curing bedsore.
This article summarized the treatment of bedsore with Chinese patent medicine, Chinesemedicine and combined medication.
对中药成药 、 中草药以及联合用药治疗褥疮进行了综述.
Please specify name of disease if any , and if there is condition like bedsore etc.
如患皮肤病,请注明病名, 并请注明有否如褥疮等状况.
How is bedsore treated, good fast? With what medicaments?
褥疮怎么治, 好的快? 用什么药物?
The patients of the test group were nursed with the bedsore mat asas routine nursing.
Objective : To observe the therapeutic effects of alginate dressing for bedsore and nursing.
目的: 观察藻酸盐敷料治疗褥疮的效果.
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