- 双语例句
A little girl, she and her mother, bicker out money at that time who did not.
有一个小女孩, 她因事和妈妈拌嘴外出,当时身上也没有带钱.
Likes the nature the breath, the creek murmur bicker, the bird sounds.
喜欢大自然的气息, 小河潺潺流水声, 鸟儿鸣叫.
We bicker with each other, we love working with each other.
我们互相吵嘴, 我们很喜欢和对方合作.
As for some things all right to quarrel and bicker about, but fundamental cooperation is needed.
在一些事情上有点争吵也无妨, 但是必需在根本问题上实行合作.
As its political leaders bicker, investors are having nightmares about its defaulting on its sovereign debt.
Bicker: To engage in a petty, bad - tempered quarrel; squabble.
发生口角: 因坏脾气引起的小的争吵; 为琐事争吵.
We began to bicker and argue.
They always bicker when they meet at school.
We bicker over household chores and who forgot to turn off the coffee machine.
The two brothers always bicker about whose turn it is to wash the dishes.
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