- 双语例句
The more bitterly children wail before a bier, the more filial they are.
King David himself walked behind bier.
Bier Pu Harrington's work because of the strong colors of violence, often out animation studio.
比尔普林顿的作品由于有较强的暴力色彩, 常常被动画工作室拒之门外.
We decorated the seat of the bier awfully and solemnly.
The bearers went on for twenty paces, then stopped, putting the bier down on the ground.
抬担架者向前走了二十多步, 就停了下来, 把担架放在地上.
For your cradle, your home, and your bier?
做你的摇篮 、 你的家园 、 和你的棺殓?
However, when be put downward again, cord was twisted again, people must come bier trice again.
然而, 当再次往下放时, 绳子又扭了一下, 人们不得不再一次把棺材吊起来.
Today at good cheer, tomorrow on the bier.
今日兴致好, 明日进棺材.
Now we sat down and a rest. My honey still drank his beloved lemon bier, hehe!
现在我们坐下来休息一下, 我老公依旧喝着他心爱的柠檬啤酒, 呵呵!
The body was placed in bier before burial.
Your arena is getting bier and more and more people will be hearing your words.
A cover a coffin, bier, or tomb, often made of black, purple, or white velvet.
棺罩, 柩衣,墓布棺罩, 柩衣,墓布, 常由黑色 、 紫色或白色的丝绒制成.
And the bier was lifted once more, and they proceeded.
于是担架又被抬了起来, 他们继续向前走去.
He began to wail like a man at a bier.
They replace change clothes of wealthy businessman bath, put him forcedly into bier.
他们替富商沐浴更衣, 硬把他放入棺材.
We followed the bier to the graveyard.
They deposited the supposed corpse on the bier.
In silent anguish, on her husband's bier!
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