blow up, burst, explode
blow up指人炸毁汽车、楼房等物体; explode指炸弹、锅炉、油箱等爆炸; 而burst指气球、轮胎等爆炸。例如:
The car blew up.轿车被炸毁了。
When the boiler exploded many people were injured.因锅炉爆炸,许多人受了伤。
The tyre burst.轮胎爆炸了。
blow out, put out
这两个短语的意思不同, blow out的意思是“吹灭”; put out的意思是“熄灭”。例如:
You may put out a candle by blowing it out.你可以通过用嘴吹的方式把蜡烛熄灭。
His cap was blown into the brook.
His cap blows into the brook.
The wind blows east. 刮东风。
The wind blows to the east. 刮西风。
blow on, blow to
blow, knock, stroke
1.这组词都有“打击”“捶打”的意思, blow, stroke, knock都可指用工具、器械对另一物体的击打。例如:
Children's furniture must withstand kicks and blows.孩子们用的家具必须经得起踢打。
He drove in a nail with one stroke of the hammer.他一锤子就把钉子敲进去了。
Did you hear a knock at the door?你听到有人敲了一下门吗?
2.blow和knock还可指用手击打,表示击打某人时, blow尤指用拳头打, knock也可指用拳头和指关节敲打。例如:
The big boy aimed a blow at me.那个大个男孩朝我打来一拳。
There came the 3 p.m. knock on the door.下午3点钟来客的敲门声响了。
3.blow的对象可以是物,也可以是身体某部位,还可以是某人; stroke的对象可以是物,也可以是人; knock的对象则是门、地板等物。例如:
He got a nasty blow on the head.他的头部受到重重的一击。
She killed him with one stroke of her sword.她一剑刺死了他。
He split the log with one stroke of the axe.他一斧头就把那圆木劈开了。
If you are not up by eight I'll give you a knock.如果你到8点钟还不起床,我就敲门叫醒你。
4.stroke的工具或器械可以是硬质的东西,也可以是软质的东西; knock的工具或器械一般是硬质的东西。例如:
The man was given several strokes of the whip.那人挨了几鞭子。
The man knocked me down at one blow.
The man knocked me down with one blow.