- 双语例句
Bodybuilding, like many forms of vigorous exercise, is an aphrodisiac.
全民健身活动, 就像许多形式的剧烈运动, 是一种春药.
This page is also to let others know about wheelchair bodybuilding.
Bodybuilding bears the blessing of Chairman Mao and enjoys enormous popularity among Chinese of all ages.
Lily : She is an athlete of bodybuilding, she started bodybuilding when she was 15 years old.
她是一名健美运动员, 15岁就开始练习健美.
Please contact: To maintain a bodybuilding physique, you should immediately put in to health campaign.
温馨提示: 若要保持一副健美体型, 你应当立即投入健康运动中去.
B. We offer various kinds of services, including massage, bodybuilding and yoga.
我们提供多种服务, 包括按摩, 美体,还有瑜伽.
Almost all communities in PHOTO the central area have installed the simple bodybuilding equipment.
When he was 20 he won his first bodybuilding award went on to win many more.
To prevent and decrease sports injuries physique is the purpose of bodybuilding for common people.
Do they have bodybuilding equipment?
他们有发展肌肉的器材 吗 ?
Bodybuilding is becoming more popular in our city.
Bodybuilding is very popular with college students who want to have a vigorous and graceful build.
You never know bodybuilding is a new and international popular stuff.
——英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语
A competitor prepares for the 44 th Asian Men's bodybuilding Championships Azadi sport complex in Tehran.
In 1999, he participated in the China Taiwan at the Asian Bodybuilding Championship title.
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