- 双语例句
Youth changes divine sword, love is aspersed in blue sky brandish.
青春化神剑, 在蓝天挥洒爱意.
When soldier brandish sword pricks armature, craftsman cried to attack.
士兵挥剑刺盔甲时, 工匠大叫一声扑了过去.
She answered with a brandish of her umbrella.
He was unharmed. Baba was booked ; many were expecting referee Riley to brandish red amongst them.
巴巴亚罗被判犯规, 很多人觉得裁判Riley将向他出示红牌,和塞也是这样认为.
Farming courtyard belle turns round again, glans of Zhan of Lothario brandish knife!
农院美女再回头, 色狼挥刀辗龟头!
Hoffman says at the same time , have arm to computer brandish at the same time.
Place of every heart certain, always a memorial brandish does not come loose.
每颗心某一个地方, 总有个记忆挥不散.
A cluster of students brandish bright pink flares.
To start with, they considered and discussed Brandish , rising young lawyer, and Fulton , rising young dentist.
他们首先把两个人提上了议事日程, 他们是正在崛起的年轻律师 布雷迪什 和年轻牙医福尔顿.
——英汉文学 - 三万元遗产
The boss is laughing to say: Brandish Mei P?
老板笑著说: 不用担心.
Come on together! Brandish the florid youth together!
Students at the Indian Community School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, brandish drum beaters a dedication ceremony.
威斯康辛州密尔瓦基市的印第安社区学校里, 学生们在奉献仪式上挥舞着鼓槌.
Drive of lever of the 2 nd his brandish, fan the air, beat dead more ant.
他第二次挥杆击球, 又打空了, 打死了更多蚂蚁.
Brandish spear and javelin against those who pursue me.
July filariasis, brandish sweat westing, go day water, from Nanjing.
七月流火, 挥汗西行, 去天水, 自南京.
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