- bridal veiln.新娘披纱;缡;
- bridal gownn.新娘服装;
- 双语例句
She wore a floor length bridal gown.
The Bridal Department will have experts on hand to give you all the help and advice you need.
They put the summer home at the disposal of the bridal couple.
She had on [ was wearing ] all her bridal decorations.
她 穿戴 着所有的新娘装饰品.
The bridal suite was prepared for the reception of the honeymooners.
We played the bride and bridegroom into the bridal chamber.
Apollonia was still wearing her bridal costume with a cloak thrown over it.
The bridal bouquet has traditionally been a symbol of fertility.
They are now making a bridal tour.
Irritation that noisy bridal chamber of foreigner BH appearance ~ is commensurate to!
A lot of, ah, there are many pictures in Sanya bridal shop marriage phase.
很多啊, 在三亚有很多拍婚纱结婚相的店.
Sense the female the ancient times bridal chamber articles for use ( picture ) ~!
见识一下古代女性洞房用品 ( 图 ) ~!
I bought a bridal chamber in Chengdu Pi county recently, floor area is 88.83 square metre.
最近我在成都郫县买了一套新房, 建筑面积为88.83平方米.
He placed many red candles in the bridal chamber, and it appeared very festive.
他在新房里摆了许多红烛, 显得十分喜庆.
As the big day approaches, bridal showers and bachelor's parties provide many useful gifts.
当大喜的日子临近时, 双方各自的好友在婚前派对上会赠送许多实用的礼物.
She tried on her bridal dress.
For a personal " Bridal Consultation "
After the official ceremony, they a Western bridal dress for the reception.
正式庆典之后, 他们换上西式婚纱礼服接待客人.
It is considered a great honour to be asked to be part of the bridal party.
Bridal mother understands everything to want successful, be in adjoining room eavesdrop.
新娘的母亲为了要了解一切是否顺利, 便在隔壁房间偷听.
Your ceremony should echo any chapter of any bridal magazine that appeals to you.
Something borrowed could be an item of bridal clothing, a handkerchief or an item of jewellery.
一些借来的可以是一件婚礼服饰 、 一片手帕或是一件首饰.
Tags: Wedding Jewellery, Wedding Accessories , Wedding Tiaras, Bridal Jewellery, Vintage Costume Jewellery, Pearl Jewellery.
标签: 婚礼首饰, 结婚用品,结婚皇冠, 新娘珠宝, 复古服装首饰, 珍珠饰品.
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