- 双语例句
His classmate do not enjoy his company because he always backbite others.
I recall: Which classmate have these initial consonant following in being surnamed?
我回想: 哪些同学的姓里有下面这些声母?
He made a profession of friendship to his classmate Mary.
The boy standing there a classmate of mine.
In our class, we have the only German classmate Stephan, who is a real gentleman.
我们班里又且仅有一位德国同学, 非常绅士,名叫史蒂凡. 他貌似严肃认真, 实际上挺逗的.
Steve Juras a classmate of mine from graduate school is the creative director there.
At first, no one knew our new classmate was from America.
开始的时候, 没人知道我们的新同学来自美国.
Write a letter to the principal to recommend a classmate.
John and his classmate, Judy, rest during intervals.
Even though I hadn't seen my classmate for many years, I recognized him immediately.
即使多年没有看见我的同学, 我也马上认出了他.
Being a classmate, you should help him in stead of laughing at him.
4作为同学, 你应该帮助他,而不应该嘲笑他.
He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam.
Last Friday, I ran into a classmate at the shop.
Classmate: Yes, I gotta pick up all my stuff and bring them to my dorm.
同学: 嗯, 我马上收拾自己的东西,带回宿舍去.
He picked a fight with his classmate.
My classmate who works here tells me that this school is looking for assistant teacher.
Can you recommend a classmate who can take up the job?
And it turns out he's a classmate of Philip's.
Let me introduce my classmate, Amy.
让我来介绍我的同学, 艾米.
I met an old classmate in the school on my way home.
Be those your classmate?
那些是你的同班同学 吗 ?
The boy standing under the tree is a classmate of mine.
What graduate turned down an Olympic team position to join his classmate in Korea?
The classmate steals language: " This person is the water that a bosom is dead certainly. "
同学窃语: “ 这个人一定是得胸水死的. ”
He argues a point to death , even when his classmate apologizes.
他的同学道歉了, 他还是得理不饶人.
Spent paragraph of time, the classmate is helpless under oneself open computer to write.
过了段时间, 同学无奈之下自己开电脑写.
While window shopping I bumped into an old classmate.
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