- 双语例句
He had coarsened his voice to an approximation of Cockney.
The Cockney accent was put on for effect.
The man spoke with a Cockney accent.
Cockney is the colourful dialect spoken in the East End of London.
Becks hasn't changed since I've known him. He's always been a Cockney git.
自从我认识他以来,小贝从来没有改变过. 他一直就是个光芒四射的伦敦饭桶.
The corporal , too, a cheerful little cockney, appeared to regard us as his brothers. He aface.
连下士也显得那么和蔼可亲, 他操着欢快的伦敦腔, 把我们称做他的好兄弟.
A cockney, time of son has the face.
一口地道的伦敦腔, 倍儿有面子.
A true Cockney is born within ( the ) sound of Bow Bells.
The driver, a little Cockney dressed in proper black, not visibly suffering from the Moscow heat.
司机是个矮小的,穿着合乎传统的黑色制服的伦敦市井小民, 看不出莫斯科的热浪对他有什么影响.
He speaks with a cockney accent.
He is a true Cockney, born within the sound of Bow bells.
他是个真正的伦敦人, 一个地道的伦敦人.
Cockney was his own man and had broad horizons beyond the office.
Cockney is a London accent, widely broadcast by'Enry'Iggins in the musical My Fair Lady.
伦敦人是拥有伦敦口音, 在音乐窈窕淑女里被广泛传播的那种口音.
Read on, to learn more about Cockney rhyming slang.
接着读一读吧, 来更多地了解一下老伦敦的押韵俚语.
So what then makes a cockney?
那么到底什么样的人算是伦敦人 呢 ?
Higgins tried to mould the cockney girl into a elegant lady.
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