- 双语例句
Concussion Blow ( Protection ) now causes damage based on attack power.
技能震荡猛击 ( 防护天赋加出 ) 现在按攻击强度一定比例造成伤害.
I had one small bruise on my head and I was suffering from concussion.
How should be cerebral concussion sequela treated?
Mister Collins says concussion research in the last five years has a amount of new information.
She suffers from brain concussion.
A concussion is an injury that happens when the brain is shaken inside the skull.
He was carried off the field with slight concussion.
The Unit currently hold 60 days after moving upward, proposed after every concussion when wide attention.
目前该股站稳60日均线后继续上行, 建议逢盘中宽幅震荡时关注.
On the secondary market, the Unit collate concussion posture, adjust market outlook still needs careful shareholding.
二级市场上, 该股震荡整理态势, 后市仍有调整需求,谨慎持股.
Below the influence of international banking crisis, domestic medium and small businesses suffers concussion fully likewise.
在国际金融危机的影响下, 国内中小企业同样备受冲击.
Situation: avoids killing those who answer concussion WTO place to advocate is commerce liberalize.
形势: 趋利避害应对冲击WTO所倡导的是贸易自由化.
They decided Rob didn't have a concussion but did have a sprained ankle.
One , NASDAQ index considerably concussion reason is analysed 1, bubble of existence of NASDAQ stock market.
NASDAQ指数大幅震荡原因剖析1 、 NASDAQ股票市场存在泡沫.
What appearance is the symptom of cerebral concussion?
Another woman fell and suffered a concussion.
Ma Huateng is analysed, network advertisement is in economic crisis most suffer concussion.
马化腾分析, 网络广告在经济危机中最受冲击.
The center is a major researcher on effects and treatments of concussion.
He's suffering from concussion after falling off his bicycle.
But concussion brings a challenge already, also bring new opportunity.
但冲击既带来挑战, 也带来新机遇.
Concussion index fell Wednesday, the market adjust apparent stress!
周三股指震荡回落, 市场调整压力显现!
The patient suffering from severe concussion a blow to the head.
U.S. severe concussion in the afternoon, current major indexes mixed.
美股午后震荡剧烈, 主要股指当前涨跌互见.
Other signs of concussion are stomach and head pain, muscle weakness a loss sharpness of vision.
其他一些脑震荡的症状还包括胃疼,头痛, 肌无力,视力衰退.
This week's market rose Monday after the continuous trend of a concussion.
It occurs suddenly and is somewhat like a concussion of the brain.
She fell off a horse and suffered a concussion.
He was taken to hospital with concussion.
Nicky was rushed to hospital with concussion.
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