- 双语例句
Crowds were just filling the skyscrapers and throwing out confetti.
The guests laugh, applaud, and confetti.
亲朋朋友欢笑鼓掌, 抛撒彩纸,庆贺美满婚姻.
Confetti, streamers, candles are available in this shop.
五彩纸屑, 彩带, 蜡烛,这店里都有得卖.
Do not throw confetti, and Cashew Nut Shell does not litter bags.
不乱扔纸屑, 不乱丢果壳和包装袋.
When the celebrations took place I couldn't understand why they had to use so much confetti.
But the purple confetti fell again Thursday, this time with particular meaning.
但是就在星期四,紫金王朝盛世再次降临, 此次意义非同一般.
Throwing rice and confetti at the married couple is a custom in England.
We are looking for a machine to production of paper garland and confetti.
This charming idea gave way in the era of mass production to paper confetti.
Wedding guests have for centuries tossed confetti ( sugared almonds ) at the newlyweds.
More than a ton of confetti, little pieces of paper, rains down on the crowd.
The wedding guests were given confetti to fling at the bride and groom.
We account for confetti in school and do not spit, indiscriminate waste disposal, maintain clean campus.
在学校我们要不乱丢纸屑,不乱吐痰, 乱倒垃圾, 保持校园清洁.
They were used as confetti at celebrations, for medicinal purposes, and as a source of perfume.
玫瑰的花瓣被用来在庆典活动上到处抛洒,玫瑰花或被用做药用, 制作香水.
The winning team was showered with confetti.
On New Year's, we will have a countdown to midnight and throw confetti.
新年时, 我们会倒数计时到午夜而且洒五彩碎纸.
Revolutions are preached there, crowds harangued , heretics burned, confetti sprinkled.
人们用广场来宣传革命, 高谈阔论, 焚烧异教徒,散布五彩纸屑等.
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