- 双语例句
He has repeatedly criticized Western churches as too worldly and too entrenched in consumerism.
American shopping malls and supermarkets are palaces of consumerism.
There are fads in science just as there are fads in dress, speech, and consumerism.
科学研究与衣着, 言词以及生活消费一样往往也有赶时髦的倾向.
This concept dramatically decreased production costs for and brought about the age of consumerism.
This house would believes that the media's promotion of consumerism is detrimental to society.
The founders of Starbucks Coffee well understood the appeal of consumerism at a friendly level.
By the second half of the 19 th century consumerism had taken root.
In this financial crisis, American consumerism is exhausted but still spectacular.
Increasing competition, consumers'experiences and consumerism make the business entities attach to customer value and loyalty.
竞争的加剧 、 消费者的成熟化和消费者主义的兴起迫使企业倍加重视顾客价值和顾客忠诚.
It looks like a supertanker of American consumerism has run aground in the city.
American shopping malls ( and supermarkets ) are palaces of consumerism, vast labyrinths of shops and restaurants.
美国的商场 ( 超市 ) 是消费主义的地盘.商店、餐馆, 就像一个大迷宫.
In the new Europe, where consumerism is the new religion, department stores are important temples.
消费主义作为新欧洲一个新的宗教主义, 百货商店是很重要的殿堂.
The U.S. Food and Drug administration tries to regulate consumerism.
On the other hand, advertising will digestion of entertainment brand marketing, in bad taste, triggered consumerism.
另一方面广告娱乐化也会消解品牌营销, 导致品味低俗, 引发消费主义.
Consumerism in this second sense and environmentalism, both powerful in Western societies, do not coexist comfortably.
作为这第二种意思的消费主义与环保主义在西方国家都很有势力, 但二者是不能和睦共存的.
Are they admiring me for resisting the lure of mass bicycle consumerism?
是他们赞赏我能抵挡住自行车消费热潮的诱惑 吗 ?
They have clearly embraced Western consumerism.
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