- 双语例句
Consuming this amount of food could turn these fit players into fatties.
Matches the previous atom zero or one times, while consuming as little input as possible.
匹配前面的原子零次或一次, 但尽可能少地消耗输入.
By consuming it, they are welcoming Christ into them.
通过进食, 他们就与耶稣融为一体.
China kept lending and exporting, and we kept borrowing and consuming.
中国一直借钱,出口, 而我们一直借钱,消费.
Henry chain smoker, consuming at least five packs a day.
亨利烟瘾很重, 每天最少吸五包.
Economic growth in evolving producing and consuming markets like China can affect your industry.
Energy consuming in dwelling building occupies quite a few proportion in total energy consumption.
Key words: luxury brand consuming, Chinese market, consuming psychology.
关键词: 奢侈品消费中国市场消费心理.
He was consuming his final libation.
While sitting in a coffee shop, we overheard a woman tearfully tell her husband that she was sorry that her work had been so consuming.
有一次我们坐在一个咖啡厅里, 无意中听到一名妇女正流着泪对她的丈夫说,她的工作总是那么地耗精费神,这使她很歉疚.
Basketball is his consuming passion .
He has developed a consuming passion for chess.
Going to court can be an expensive, time consuming and gut wrenching experience that is best avoided.
It's just very time consuming to get such a large quantity of data.
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