- 双语例句
The bold and brilliant dream still awaits its consummation.
The third chapter discusses the consummation of the foreign investment legislation system of China.
Decoration style sincere elegant, the hardware facility consummation is advanced.
装饰风格厚重典雅, 硬件设施完善先进.
Whether or not it is completeness , consummation and gain don't change his humbleness.
This terrace was the final consummation of the house's plan.
The inane promise of consummation cannot attract people to around the Wheel of Law any longer.
At the same time, this merge will promote further Jingdong side TFT - LCD supply system's consummation.
同时, 本次合并将进一步促进京东方TFT-LCD供应体系的完善.
Thepresent land system is restricting the second leap realization, needs to adjust and the consummation.
现行土地制度制约着第二个飞跃的实现, 需要调整和完善.
I was afraid you would miss the consummation of our vital mission.
Consummation – enjoy the gift of sexual relationship within marriage.
The bold and brilliant dream which excited the founder of this nation still awaits its consummation.
Extremely more importantly constructs and the consummation medicine information system management.
Death is the consummation of life.
This mark is worn Sanket 13 inferior course of travel charter flight head boat consummation.
The socialism with Chinese characteristics has an establishment, development and consummation in the interest expression activity.
中国特色社会主义就是在利益表达活动中得以确立 、 发展和完善的.
Strengthens the social morals and the credit construction, the consummation personally drafts the letter management system.
加强社会道德和信用建设, 完善个人征信管理体系.
It also advances efficient measures for consummation of energy in the salt mine.
Different reasons attain their paths intertwine, directive to a consummation that changes their lives for ever.
不同的原因使他们的轨迹相互交织,导致了戏剧性的故事, 甚至会改变他们的生活.
The fourth part, reformation and consummation of the tax policy about technology innovation.
第四部分, 改革与完善促进科技创新的税收政策.
Death is to us change, not consummation, and the commencement of a new existence.
死亡对于我们只是一种改变, 而不是消灭, 它是一种新的存在的开始.
We Provide the high quality product equipments and consummation service in time for our customers.
The company has the perfect control system and the consummation effective Total Quality Management system.
Establishment and consummation of copyright collective management organization needs two steps.
Technical invention's experience summary, is helpful to the science and technology methodology consummation and the application.
技术发明的经验总结, 有助于科学技术方法论的完善和应用.
The paintings are the consummation of his life's work.
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