- 双语例句
A chypre , spicy harmony with notes of Coriander , Clove, Oakmoss and Ambergris.
混合着芫荽, 丁香, 橡苔和龙涎香的香水.
INGREDIENTS: Wheat flour , Meat Floss , Sugar , Egg, Coriander Leaf , Coconut Milk.
配料: 面粉.肉丝.白糖.蛋.芫 粞.椰浆. 黑芝麻.
My favourite was shredded pig's ear with jelly fish, white cabbage, yellow mustard and coriander oil.
我最喜欢的是猪耳丝拌海蛰 、 洋白菜 、 黄色的芥末和芫荽油.
Coriander is used in Indian curries, gin, American cigarettes, and sausage.
胡荽多被用在:印度咖哩粉, 杜松子酒, 美国香烟, 香肠.
The pickled vegetable of bottled coriander heart is convenient and high quality.
A classic of Thailand prepared at your table – chicken, lime, galangal, coriander and coconut.
经典的泰式料理-鸡肉, 莱姆, 高良姜, 芫荽和椰子.
Coriander is the dried fruit of a herb with several branches and leaves with jagged edges.
Chop coriander and spring onions finely; beancurd puffs with water and then set aside.
红椒切丝,蒜头剁蓉, 豆豉冲水后压烂,加滚油拌匀,再加蚝油调味备用.
Coriander has a mild, distinctive taste similar to a blend of lemon and sage.
胡荽性质温和, 不含有害物质,味道独特,近似混合了柠檬和鼠尾草的味道.
Serve with coriander placed on the fish.
Pour red wine, lemon rind , lemon juice, basil, coriander and oregano leaves. Mix.
倒入红葡萄酒, 柠檬汁, 紫苏叶, 芫荽和奥利伽奴杭州营养师证书, 拌匀.
Add to eat when the soup, seaweed, coriander, monosodium glutamate, pepper, sesame oil, and other spices.
食用时再放入上汤 、 紫菜 、 香菜 、 味精 、 胡椒粉 、 芝麻油等调味品.
The manna coriander seed and looked like resin.
Sever over boiled white rice garnished with toasted coconut and coriander or sliced chilli.
Now the manna was like coriander seed, and its appearance like that of bdellium.
民11:7这吗哪彷佛芫荽子 、 又好像珍珠.
Oils of Black Pepper, Coriander, Onion, Hot Pepper, Cardamom, Garlic, Ginger.
采购产品油黑胡椒, 香菜, 洋葱, 辣椒, 豆蔻, 大蒜, 生姜.
Chop up the coriander and mix some of it in the tofu.
Marinate the tiger prawns with salt, pepper, coriander and olive oil for up to 2 hours.
以盐 、 胡椒 、 胡荽及橄榄油调腌虎虾2小时以上.
The chicken was garnished with coriander and red chilli.
Myrrh, mixed with coriander and honey, was used to treat herpes.
没药, 同胡荽和蜂蜜混和, 用来治疗疱疹.
And the manna was as coriander seed , and the colour thereof as the colour of bdellium.
7这吗哪彷佛芫荽子, 又好像珍珠.
The manna was like coriander seed and looked like resin.
Add coriander. Cover pot . Splash wine over . Serve in pot.
加入芫荽, 再盖好,赞绍酒,原锅上桌.
But, easy to contract cold's person, actually should avoid the edible coriander.
但是, 容易患感冒的人, 却应该避免食用香菜.
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