- 双语例句
The principal adrenocortical products are aldosterone, cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate.
肾上腺皮质的主要产物为醛固酮 、 皮质醇和脱氢异雄酮硫酸盐.
Chronic stress causes the body to produce too much of two hormones, cortisol and adrenalin.
Abstaining from arguments was also linked to an unusual daily cortisol pattern.
Cortisol causes erosion of your intestinal lining, which can lead to ulcers.
皮质醇导致你的肠道内膜被侵蚀, 这可能会导致胃溃疡.
Objective To observe the paratroop training stress effect on blood cortisol and antibody of paratroopers.
Over time, high cortisol levels cause belly fat to accumulate.
随着时间延长, 高水平的可的松会导致腹部脂肪积聚.
Men and women both experience stress as a rise in adrenaline and cortisol.
A workout gives your cortisol levels a boost, increasing energy without making you stressed.
运动后会提高你的皮质醇含量, 增加你的能量而不会让你感到有压力.
Interestingly, those who argued actually saw a lower rise in their morning cortisol levels.
Kissing reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
Your body reacts to low blood glucoses by secreting several hormones, including growth hormone and cortisol.
低血糖会引起人体多种(升血糖的)激素分泌, 包括生长激素和皮质醇激素.
Unload bad memories and stress. Stress causes the buildup of cortisol, thich is bad for memory.
放下不愉快的记忆车和压力. 压力会导致皮质醇的积累, 对记忆力产生不良影响.
Mifepristone is an antagonist of 1 of the body's 2 cortisol receptors and its progesterone receptor.
It provides evidence that interpersonal interaction can influence the secretion of cortisol.
It's well known that infants, in contrast to adults, do not have a diurnal rhythm cortisol.
正如人们所熟知的那样, 相对于成年人来讲, 新生婴儿没有皮质醇昼夜节律.
Cortisol levels dropped after the first class.
The results suggest that the daily cortisol secretion is the phase of the menstrual cycle.
Constant anxiety increases the stress hormone cortisol, which causes inflammation that breaks down collagen.
经常性的焦虑增加了应激激素皮质醇, 从而导致分解胶原蛋白的炎症.
When the men watched the video , levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, fell 39 percent.
而当这些人观看该片时, 他们体内的考的素(一种压力荷尔蒙)含量下降到39%.
Stress triggers cortisol, one of your primary stress hormones.
压力会触发皮质醇, 即你的其中一个主要的压力应激激素.
The stress hormone cortisol , meanwhile, affects the assessment of the time value of money.
与此同时, 应激激素皮质醇能够影响人们对于金钱时间价值的评估.
However, when the volunteer was left alone with the female stranger, his cortisol levels rose.
而当调查对象与陌生女性单独共处一室时, 他的皮质醇水平便出现了升高.
Excessive cortisol storage of fat around the middle.
Cortisol secretion in the fight against the mental stress and the prevention of influenza.
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