- 双语例句
People's names a capital letter , and do not have a determiner in front of them.
当你提及一个具体的人时, 你可以使用他们的名称,这些名称通常被称为 “ 专有名词”
Context is the sole determiner of meaning without which meaning does not exist.
The next important determiner for the form of address will then be the speech situation.
When you use a determiner , you put a noun group, in front of numbers or adjectives.
限定词用于名词短语前面, 置于数字或形容词之前.
You are no longer a passive recipient of education, you are an active determiner of education.
你再也不是一个被动接受教育的人, 而是一个主动对自己进行教育的决策者.
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