- 双语例句
Because 2 weeks abdomen is not quite good recently, meet occasionally bellyacke , diarrhoea, concern with this?
因为最近2周的肚子不太好, 有时候会腹痛, 腹泻, 是不是跟这个有关?
To the diarrhoea enteritis patient of gentamicin allergy, with what injection cure?
对于庆大霉素过敏的腹泻肠炎患者, 用什么针剂治疗?
I had a travel to Shanghai and I suffered from diarrhoea.
That's simple traveler's diarrhoea.
The head and facial ministry oedema, nerve is mixed mussily diarrhoea.
头部和脸部水肿, 神经紊乱和腹泻.
Symptoms include diarrhoea and vomiting.
Drink have diarrhoea leaf what to side effect have? How much is optimal quantity?
喝番泻叶有没有什么副作用? 最佳量是多少?
Diarrhoea can make you feel weak, as well as putting you off your food.
Ebola is characterised by fever, diarrhoea, severe blood loss and intense fatigue.
埃博拉病毒的特点是发烧, 腹泻, 严重失血和严重的疲劳.
Diarrhoea can interfere with the absorption of nutrients and this can lead to serious weight loss.
Ask dizziness is added have a fever add diarrhoea to be treated?
Temperature 37 spends 3. And, the diarrhoea to have a headache. May be pig flu?
体温37度3. 并伴有腹泻头痛. 可能是猪流感 么 ?
They can also relieve diarrhoea [ spasm ].
它们还可以治泻肚 [ 痉挛 ].
Nausea, diarrhoea, and vomiting may accompany migraine.
The common problem of darling diarrhoea?
They can also relieve diarrhoea.
His diarrhoea is caused by colibacillus.
How does diarrhoea hind stop allergy to to have diarrhoea benefit however with medicine?
Cough, diarrhoea, spirit does depressed, eyesight drop, what reason is unripe gum?
咳嗽 、 腹泻 、 精神不振 、 视力减退 、 生眼屎是什么原因?
How does if appear, early have diarrhoea do.
Every time I get diarrhoea , my asshole burns.
I have serious diarrhoea.
Do vomiting and the eyesight that can diarrhoea cause abrupt sex drop?
呕吐和腹泻会引起突然性的视力下降 吗 ?
Take medicine , initiate irritated, cause diarrhoea without end, cause what can't eat.
由于吃药引发了过敏, 造成腹泻不止, 导致什么东西都不能吃.
Three days later his diarrhoea was checked.
It is humiliating before others to have a diarrhoea ptomaine poisoning or to vomit from it.
Salmonella can cause fever, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, according to the FDA.
美国食品及药物管理局称,沙门氏菌能引起发烧 、 腹泻 、 恶心 、 呕吐和肚子痛.
Diarrhoea, giddy, limply be what to disease get?
腹泻 、 头晕 、 四肢无力是得什么病了?
When did your diarrhoea start?
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