- 双语例句
Please do not disassemble the board at the right side unnecessarily, for the sake of safety.
You'll have to disassemble the drill.
It is forbidden to damage or disassemble or refit the installations in the dormitory.
If not done so, one has the privilege to disassemble and to clean up the spotlessly.
如未能做到, 它(你)需将拆解、组回、清理至马桶完全通畅乾净为止.
Do not disassemble or adjust this mechanism due to precision component.
In retaliation you have me, circling the puzzles, you know I absolutely do not disassemble.
为了报复你中有我, 围绕着拼图, 你知道我绝对不拆开.
To disassemble ( a mechanism, for example ).
拆开 ( 机器等 )
Attempt to disassemble the product can damage it and void your warranty.
To avoid an expected electric shock, do not opencover or disassemble the equipment.
为了防止触电, 不要自行拆卸或分解设备.
Because of simple assembling, it is convenient tl assemble, disassemble and maintain.
采用简易的组装方式进行设计, 方便装拆及维修.
The interior parts are easy to disassemble and assemble for cleaning.
Result showed that the method could realize diesel injector diagnosis without disassemble.
The method can realize nondestructive testing for fuel injection law without disassemble.
Easy material incoming. cutter and breaker filler disassemble very easy.
Press machine can change the parts , and assemble or disassemble the parts.
用于变形零件纠正, 零件安装和拆卸之用.
Do not disassemble or remodel the unit. This can cause electric shock, personal injury or fire.
不要拆卸或改装本机. 这可以引起触电 、 人身伤害或火灾.
Disassemble a variety of SCM software package, to facilitate program debugging!
各种单片机反汇编软件包, 方便程序的调试!
The tapered gear box and universal shaft transmIt'smooth power are simple to assemble and disassemble.
Each party further agrees not to reserve engineer or disassemble the technology disclosed to it.
Do not attempt to disassemble the device as it does not contain serviceable components.
Simple designs for locking, be dependable for use and convenient for assembly and disassemble.
锁钩设计简单, 使用可靠,安装拆卸方便.
In primitive power market phase paper disassemble the bidding capacity into three areas.
Do not attempt to disassemble the phone. There are no user serviceable parts inside.
不要试图拆开手机, 里面没有用户可自行维修的元件.
We had to completely disassemble the engine to find the problem.
To do assemble, commissioning, disassemble and maintenance job on Machining centers ( Mechanical portion ) and fixtures.
承担加工中心 ( 机械部分 ) 及夹具的装配 、 调试 、 拆解、维护工作.
The upper part are connected by wedge with convenience to disassemble.
Do not disassemble or handle the shave roughly.
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