- 双语例句
This results in a slowly changing ratio A : B in the distillate.
这使得蒸馏物中 A:B 比率发生缓慢的变化.
Content: Dissolved hydrolyze Peal distillate, AMC moisture distillate, Chamomile extraction, Panax distillate.
成份: 速溶水解珍珠精粹, AMC保湿精华,活性温水, 洋甘菊提取液, 人参精华.
Cities are distillate of human civilization in living spaces.
Recently, aromatic saturation in distillate fractions specially in diesel fuel has received considerable attention.
The percentage of free fatty acid ( FFA ) in cottonseed oil deodorizer distillate ( CODD ) is 40 % ~80 %.
To separate ( a distillate ) by distillation.
蒸馏出用蒸馏分离 ( 馏出物 )
C 5 distillate of ethylene accessory substances was used as raw material.
The accelerant pattern on the bottom of Luke's shoes, various petroleum distillate, including toluene?
鞋底助燃剂的痕迹是一些石油淋馏出液, 包括甲苯?
Acid is removed from the vacuum cut 4 distillate oil of Daqing by microwave irradiation.
Recently, aromatic saturation in distillate fractions specially in fuel has received considerable attention.
Objective : To study protective effects of Kuli distillate on liver damage induce by alcohol.
Enviromental friendly. free of Petroleum Distillate, Phosphorous, Plumbum.
环保合成, 不含石油馏份,无磷 、 无铅.
Denitrogenation experiments towards Daqing third vacuum dewaxing distillate were carried out with TTS denitrogenation agent.
Gasoline and distillate stocks also fell.
Objective Rapeseed oil deodorizer distillate is an important source of natural vitamin E.
The product is made of superior petroleum distillate with scientific , reasonable and rigorous process.
本产品采用精选的石油馏分, 经过科学合理的加工过程制造而成.
Light petroleum distillate , generally known as naphtha, was the logical choice.
轻石油馏分, 如石脑油是合乎逻辑的选择.
The distillate would be kept in a glass vessel, a vial. See the next sonnet.
这个馏分油会保存在一个玻璃容器, 一碗.看下十四行诗.
Methyl esterification of soybean oil deodorizer distillate catalyzed by a nonspecific lipase was investigated.
Part of the overhead stream is withdrawn as distillate, or overhead product.
The origin of distillate liquor in ancient China still an unsettled enigma for experts.
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