- 双语例句
The management of local affairs should dovetail regional interests with those of the country as a whole.
How well do these new ideas dovetail into the existing system?
这些新意识与现存体制吻合得 如何 ?
Your suggestions are good indeed, but they don't quite dovetail into the rest of the plan.
你的建议固然很好, 但跟计划的其余部分不很协调.
It is important that we dovetail our respective interests.
The sides of the door dovetail beautifully into each other.
The recommendations dovetail beautifully with what we're doing.
I'm following up a few things that might dovetail.
Many of the changes dovetail with work by UK and global regulators.
And so of cause I had to dovetail with that.
Might he bring in an experienced, midfield destroyer dovetail with Cesc F á bregas?
他会买一个与法布里加斯搭挡的经验丰富的中场阻截者 吗 ?
They must be closely monitored to make certain that diplomatic and military moves dovetail.
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