- 双语例句
He dated a girl with a dumpy figure.
Fairfax pretends that the maniacal noise was made by Grace Poole, a rather dumpy, unprepossessing servant.
但菲尔费克斯太太佯称这狂笑声是格雷斯普尔发出的, 她是一个相当矮胖, 不讨人喜欢的仆人.
His long dumpy face wrinkled in a scowl.
He used to be dumpy , but he became thin after he grew up.
他小时候胖墩墩的, 长大以后却瘦了.
Fairfax pretends that the maniacal noise was made by Poole, a rather dumpy, unprepossessing servant.
但菲尔费克斯太太佯称这狂笑声是格雷斯·普尔发出的,她是一个相当矮胖, 不讨人喜欢的仆人.
A dumpy Japanese is asking for you.
In the fifth frame there is much water, the sixth grid is of the dumpy son.
第五格大部分是水, 第六格则是矮胖子的地盘.
The place had a dark and dumpy look ( Washington Post )
这地方看起来阴暗而肮脏 ( 华盛顿邮报 )
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