- 双语例句
Each male ejaculation will contain up to 300 million sperm.
Is ejaculation too fast be early have diarrhoea?
射精过快就是早泻 吗 ?
WONDERFUL – K, was designed to treat undersized sexual organs premature ejaculation, and impotence in men.
奇妙-钾, 是治疗矮小的性器官,早泄和阳痿的男性.
Premature Ejaculation ( PE ) is most common sexual dysfunction in men.
早泄 ( PE ) 是男性最常见的性功能障碍.
The final step ejaculation.
The force of a particular ejaculation is not related to a man's strength or virility.
During EEJ, electrical impulses a probe placed in the rectum near the prostate often accomplish ejaculation.
电刺激时, 放在直肠前列腺附近的探头释放电脉冲常可完成射精.
A special case is presented by a phenomenon known as retrograde ejaculation.
I am masturbation overmuch, bring about the premature ejaculation with sensitive glans, how should be treated?
我是手淫过多, 导致龟头敏感的早泄, 应该怎么治疗 啊 ?
To investigate the effects of Zaoxiting spray in the treatment of patients with premature ejaculation.
The general told ejaculation in men and not tell the two.
Without ejaculation the sperm cells remain inside the man's body.
Retrograde ejaculation requires that sperm be retrieved from the urine.
Female ejaculation is a perfectly normal phenomenon.
Does adolescent often masturbate is ejaculation good be bad?
However, ejaculation does not always occur, and you should not be concerned if nothing happens.
然而, 并不是每次都可以引发射精, 并且,如果没有的话,你也不必担心.
Does period sex ejaculation go in can you be pregnant?
But for most men, ejaculation will often be quicker in times of stress or ill health.
但是对于绝大多数男性而言, 当他们面对压力或是患病时,射精会比通常要早.
If this action is impaired, hemorrhage, premature ejaculation, spontaneous sweating , urinary incontinence, and spermatorrhea will occur.
如果此功能受损, 将会出现出血 、 早泄 、 自汗 、 遗尿和遗精.
How can you let oneself do not want ejaculation?
怎样能让自己不想要射精 呢 ?
Ejaculation feeling is painful painful dare not shoot, how to do?
射精感觉痛痛不敢射, 怎么办?
Can be premature ejaculation treated really?
能治.早泄真的能治 吗 ?
I was to have prolonged and satisfactory intercourse a number of times and control the ejaculation.
Most men with spinal cord injuries have varying degrees of difficulty with erection and ejaculation.
Objective : To study causal relationship between masturbation and premature ejaculation.
目的: 调查验证手淫和早泄的因果关系.
It is suitable for people with premature ejaculation, impotence and other sexual dysfunction, weak erectile.
适用于患有早泄 、 阳痿及其它性功能减退 、 勃起无力的人群.
No grown woman is a fan of premature ejaculation.
The ejaculation of semen is only incidental to this release.
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