- 双语例句
Use this one greenery eventually, braid gave green mountain, embroider green of great capacity.
终于用这一片一片的绿叶, 编织出了绿的山, 绣出了绿的海.
My baseboard resembles the peacock tail of furl a place of strategic importance takes embroider shoe.
She wants to embroider a coverlet with flowers and birds.
An elegant and beautiful embroider shoe still discovered all round female cadaver.
The editor would take a theme and embroider upon it with drollery.
Two senior students each choose a cross embroider design to take back embroidery.
How much money do the Nanjing ten characters embroider mount the frame to want?
Business types include: jacquard weave, embroider, printing, wool spinning, cotton, etc.
经营类型包括: 提花 、 绣花 、 印花 、 毛纺 、 棉纺等等.
Small body, bright red color, stylish diamond lattice embroider, how beautiful it is!
小巧精致的包身样式, 明艳的大红色彩, 时尚的菱格绣花,让人无不惊叹其美.
Who knew that Beijing where has buys at a high price the product cross to embroider?
谁知道北京哪有高价收购成品十字绣的 啊 ?
Embroider cloth shoes are one of wonderful flowers in Chinese colorful art culture.
Roxane: That's your theme Embroider it Embroider it Embroider it!
罗克珊: 这是你的主题修饰它修饰它快修饰它!
I think: " if you first at the cross embroider, you'll be fascinated by it deeply. "
我想: “ 如果你第一眼看到十字绣, 你就会被它深深地迷住. ”
She decided she would embroider her masterpiece of deception still further.
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