- 双语例句
To get the policy incentives right, the endgame needs to be specified.
为了让政策激励变得合理, 需要指明“终局”.
Observations of the ring continue to illuminate the endgame of the star.
Improved EndGame Scoreboard and Observer Scoreboard presentation and content ( total gold row coming in near future )
改进了游戏结束时候记分牌和记分牌中买眼的外观和内容 ( 不久的将来会添加总金额 )
The political endgame is getting closer.
You mean Sloane and Elena's endgame?
The endgame began after the exchange of queens.
Endgame Jewelcrafting is not about though, it's all about the gems!
珠宝加工远远不止这些装饰品的制造, 它最重要的是围绕着“宝石 ” 的.
Agame consists of opening game, and endgame stages.
一盘棋可分为开局 、 中局和残局三个阶段.
That'll give us the time we need to conduct repairs and plan the endgame.
Having an endgame – in chess or foreign policy – is no guarantee of success.
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