- 双语例句
He helped energize and mobilize millions of people around the nation.
By working out, you improve your physcial appearance, energize yourself, and accomplish something positive.
通过出门运动, 你改善了你的身材外形, 使自己精力充沛,对身体有积极影响.
Energize is formed from energy by analogy with apologize from aplogy.
Energize由energy演变构成,以此类推,apologize则 由apology演变构成.
Chief executives can help crystallize these feelings to energize a group towards joint action.
This is a great way to energize yourself and give yourself more power!
When I am weary, energize me.
当我厌倦时, 求祢激励.
One cup daily , it can alleviate fatigue and energize you day by day.
每天一杯, 可减低疲劳,令你精神饱满、活力充沛.
And in his speech, Mr. Obama thought sought to further energize the labor movement.
在演讲中, 奥巴马表示将努力推动劳工运动.
This will energize the control, changing state of the load contacts.
这将激发控制装置, 改变符合端子的状态.
Energize is formed from energy the same way that apologize is formed from apology.
Energize由 energy演变构成,以此类推,apologize则由apology演变构成.
It is used to energize the city.
VISUALIZE , STRATEGIZE , ENERGIZE, REALIZE reprogramming is the subject today.
可想而知, 策划和推动我们,今天的主题是重新认识.
Siberian ginseng can lessen body's tiredness ; build up body's strength, and also energize body's vitality.
刺五加又称[伯利亚人蔘]可减少疲劳感、强体力 、 旺盛精神,是工作烦累的您不可不试的优质产品.
The thermonuclear reactions of the sun energize the human body.
To test resistor R 1, first energize Ch. 1 to bias the test coupon.
若要测试电阻器R1, 首先激励通道1,向测试样板加电压.
Motivation Forces that energize, direct, and sustain a person's efforts.
鼓舞 、 指引和维持个人努力行为的驱动力.
Energize the incoming power feeder.
By working out, you improve your physical appearance, energize yourself, and accomplish something positive.
工作时, 您提高物理外观, 激励自己, 并完成一些积极.
Also, carbohydrate food may energize in the morning but relax if eaten in the evening.
另外, 早上吃碳水化合物会使人精力充沛,而晚上吃会使人放松.
Some, bible scholars tell us this means that God begin to energize this matter.
To energize ( a storage battery ) by passing current through it in the direction opposite to discharge.
通过电流朝与 放电 相反的方向流动给电池充电.
If you can't energize others, you are not a leader.
如果你不能激发别人, 你就不是一个领导.
Protein foods energize, some experts say.
Relay Drive Current . The amount of current necessary to energize a relay. Usually specified per channel.
继电器驱动电流激励继电器所需的电流总量. 通常以每通道给出.
Energize your body, prepare your mind and lift your spirit for the full day ahead.
于清早练习瑜伽,能使你的身体充满活力, 精神集中和情绪提高,为新的一天作充分的预备.