- 双语例句
A client from Armenia seeks laser engraver machines to engrave on wood and stone.
A client from Greece looks for laser engraver machines to engrave portrait on crystal & opal.
希腊客户求购激光雕刻机用于雕刻人像,材料是水晶 和 蛋白石.
He was the son of Emile Dropsy , also a medal engraver who mainly produced religious medals.
We have a veteran engraver here.
Our company mainly produces vinyl cutter , molding machines and engraver machines, etc.
公司先后研发生产了刻字机 、 雕刻机 、 雕铣机.
These are at a fraction of the cost you would pay at your local engraver.
The engraver engraved a name on a plate.
He was once an engraver in a printing factory.
In this way, the editorial department prepares copy for the printer and the engraver.
The Engraver mode will make it look nice.
William Hogarth, English painter and engraver , was born in London, the son of a teacher.
英国画家 、 雕刻家威廉·贺加斯出生于伦敦的一个教师家庭.
The work engraver is fine, even displays the camel body's on hair drippings sends!
作品雕工精细, 甚至把骆驼身上的毛发都表现的淋淋尽致!
William Hogarth, English painter and engraver, died in London and was buried in Chiswick churchyard.
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