- 双语例句
The value of the dollar began to erode rapidly just around this time.
The usual analysis has correctly pointed to pressures that tend to make cartel power erode.
Thirdly, confusion and suspicion which create disunity, will erode the competitiveness of the organisation.
第三, 导致不团结的迷惑、猜疑, 也会削弱企业的竞争力.
Corrosives are substances that erode and deteriorate materials on contact, including metals, fabrics, and human tissue.
腐蚀剂是腐蚀和损坏所接触到的包括金属 、 纺织品和人体组织在内的材料的物质.
However a sharp slide in the euro would erode its credibility.
But again , too voluminous an outflow can erode the diversionchannel and cause the dam to collapse.
These high levels of inequality erode social cohesion in the region.
Chronic pain can systematically erode the quality of life.
Also , severe biofouling, physical abrasion, and chemical etching of the glass may erode the sensing surface.
严重的玻璃生物淤积 、 物理磨损和化学腐蚀可能影响感觉表面.
Everyone has his inherent ability which is easily concealed by habits and erode by laziness.
These tributaries are subsequent streams which erode strike valley.
They had already seen the value of their stock erode considerably.
Unanticipated inflation would erode the real value of wages, making workers cheaper to hire.
不可预料的通货膨胀会降低工资的实际购买力, 使得雇佣工人的价格更便宜.
The pressure towards uniformity constantly threatens to erode local traditions.
As other countries became more successful, U.S. support for liberal trade began to erode.
随着其他国家越来越成功, 美国国内支持自由贸易的力量渐见减弱.
——英汉非文学 - 政府文件
To gnaw or wear away; erode.
通过侵蚀或 汽化 蒸馏穿破.
Memories are like stones, time and distance erode them like acid.
记忆犹如石头, 时间和距离像酸一样腐蚀着它们.
Income distribution will move adversely and the social contract will erode further.
Forest soil under growing trees generally does not erode.
A husband and wife can sense the trust erode and feel their hearts growing colder.
Profits began to erode.
That will erode their margins , said Qian Xiaoyu, an analyst at United Securities.
The raindrop, humidified vapor or liquid usually contain minerals that erode the precision parts instrument.
雨水 、 湿气、和液体含有矿物质,会腐蚀精密部件.
Efficiency of edge detection based on the grayscale morphology erode transform is proved by experimental results.
How does it come about now the Alps erode at the same speed that they rise?
为什麽现在阿尔卑斯山会以它上升相同的速度被侵蚀 呢 ?
In fact, you begin to erode all freedom.
其实, 在这种情况下,所有的自由都将被破坏.
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