- 双语例句
a bright red fleece
He was wearing black combat trousers and a hooded fleece.
Flame composite product: suede, denim, corduroy and cashmere, fleece, plush and other compound.
火焰复合产品: 鹿皮绒 、 牛仔布 、 灯芯绒等与羊羔绒 、 摇粒绒 、 长毛绒等复合.
With their fleece sopping wet, they huddled in hollows, too dispirited to graze.
在皮毛打湿的情况下, 他们挤在低洼处,靠近黑莓丛,或者躲在背风坡上, 毫无觅食的情绪.
Improves the performance of any fabric, fleece or synthetic insulation.
可以改善各种织物 、 抓毛绒或合成绝缘材料的性能.
Its fleece was white as snow.
Our packing process tends to go like this: Will I need a fleece?
我们出行前的打包过程大致如此: 我需要绒布长袖衫 吗 ?
Fake Fur Fabric, Sherpa Fabric, Plush Fabric, Velour, Velvet, Polar Fleece Fabrics.
采购产品假毛皮织物, 夏尔巴织物, 长毛绒织物, 丝绒, 天鹅绒, 摇粒绒面料.
Michelle will also spin a customer's wool fleece to specification at a cost of $2.25 an ounce.
The finest fleece comes from Merino breed of sheep.
The fleece from a Merino can weigh up to 12 kilogrammes.
A sheep's fleece is clipped off for wool.
He also insisted United would not fleece fans despite the demand for season tickets.
The bar running the harbor is waiting to fleece the tourist.
——英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语
Mary Had a Little Lamb Its fleece was white as snow.
The wool of the fleece trapped the tiny pieces of metal.
If I sell the fleece a good price, I will buy new clothing for my daughter.
能卖上好价钱的话, 打算给小女儿买件新衣服穿.
Tridimension printing types, including fleece printing and foaming printing is very famous.
不平背印花有各类典范榜样, 其洋起绒印花和不收泡印花很驰名.
My warmest coat is lined with fleece.
Let man wear the fell of the lion, woman the fleece of the sheep.
让男人穿狮皮, 女人穿羊毛.
Its fleece was as white as snow.
Tenderly, she eased the clean fleece over her little boy's hand and up around plump shoulder.
轻轻地, 她清理着小男孩手上和肩膀周围的异物.
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