- 双语例句
Bert was a footloose, unemployed actor.
People that are single tend to be more footloose.
Modern finance a footloose industry, so threat seems at least partially credible.
现代金融业不受地域限制, 因此,这种威胁至少在一定程度上还是有威慑力的.
Americans have always been a footloose people always moving on.
Example : They are working happily with Kent's, though sometimes pining for the footloose school days.
我还在桑德森公司工作, 而且工作很称心—虽然偶尔我也渴望从前自由自在的日子.
Some of these people are footloose and flighty.
If the ability footloose and last H net, be on night shift all can, ha ha.
如果能自由自在的上H网, 上夜班都可以, 呵呵.
You will be footloose and fancy free soon enough.
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