- 双语例句
They were exact in outward ceremonies, diligent in washings , fastings, and long prayers ostentatious in almsgiving.
他们对外表的仪式非常严格, 在洗濯 、 禁食的事上很是拘泥.祷告则长篇大论,施舍作给人看.
She is too ostentatious, unmindful, apropos each other can be manacled without place.
她太招摇, 漫不经心, 恰好彼此都可以无所束缚.
They were neither aggressive nor ostentatious.
This year, those ostentatious displays will take a back seat to social responsibility.
今年, 这些摆阔和炫耀将让位于社会责任的话题.
Some of the Violets themselves felt that the ugliness of the little Dwarf was almost ostentatious.
The central meaning shared by these adjectives is. not ornate ostentatious, or showy.
这些形容词共有的一个中心意思是指. 不华丽的,不虚饰的, 朴实无华的.
Their wedding was very ostentatious.
In the less ostentatious house, No. 2 was a mystery.
可是那家较差的客栈, 二号却是个谜.
——英汉文学 - 汤姆历险
He gave an ostentatious yawn.
Ostentatious exercising in a place of work is ugly, undignified and should not be tolerated.
在办公场所来这些花里胡哨的运动,会很难看, 很失脸面,不应纵容这种运动.
I saw the house is ostentatious when I was outside just now.
It was thought ostentatious of him.
Despite their prices, Bristol cars are not ostentatious, which seems to be part of their appeal.
尽管价格昂贵, 布里斯托尔汽车却相当的低调, 这好像也是他独特魅力的一部分.
In other countries those with hereditary wealth may lead lives of ostentatious indolence.
His wife was fairly quiet but she is not an ostentatious person anyway.
However, for a few people, keeping pets is an ostentatious display of their wealth.
然而, 对某些人而言, 饲养宠物只是炫耀财富的一种手段.
He is lavish and ostentatious.
Their daughter was ostentatious on her wedding reception.
She's got a lovely way with language without ever sounding ostentatious.
He was neither ostentatious nor luxurious, neither did he care about social position.
他既不浮华也不奢侈, 也不讲究社会地位.
He rode his new bicycle and down in front of our house in an ostentatious way.
Owning a sewing machine was a ostentatious display.
She carried her car keys on an ostentatious gold key ring.
Obviously he had plenty of money and was generous in its use without being ostentatious.
The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor.
Contacts conducted at arm's length for five years should suddenly turn into such an ostentatious embrace.
Justice always pales in comparison to vanity and ostentatious displays of power.
He road his new bicycle and down in front of our house in an ostentatious way.
It is not, however, the most ostentatious house on the reservation.
尽管如此, 这并非是当地最豪华的公寓.
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