- 双语例句
This program deals with the pathogeny, clinical manifestation, and the massage treatment of peroneal nerve paralysis.
本节目主要讲解腓神经麻痹的病因病机 、 临床表现和推拿调理方法.
Conclusions: Sural nerve with peroneal vessels anastomosis is an ideal donor of nerve graft.
结论: 吻合腓血管的腓肠神经是神经移植的优良供体.
F - wave: normal persistency at the left tibial nerve and left peroneal nerve stimulation.
波: 正常的持久性在左侧胫神经及左腓总神经刺激.
Objective: To study the anatomic and clinical experience turnover flap incorporating superficial peroneal nerve.
目的: 报告带腓浅神经营养血管的远端蒂筋膜皮下组织瓣的血管解剖和临床应用研究.
The left common peroneal nerve was repaired in an end - to - end coaptation after transection.
There is an increased risk of deep venous thrombosis of the legs, including the peroneal veins.
故下肢深静脉血栓形成的风险增加, 包括腓静脉.
For the end to - end enurorrhaphy , the peroneal stump was directly anastomosed end to - end .
端端吻合组使腓神经切断后直接作 端端 吻合.
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