- 双语例句
Such reforms seem likely to remain little more than pious hopes.
What we need is not manifestos of pious intentions, but real action.
His attitude is compassionate without being pious.
Ella was a pious, earnest woman.
Alexander is a pious follower of the faith.
In spite of her small vanities , Margaret had a sweet and pious nature.
玛格丽特尽管有些小小的虚荣心, 天性却很温柔纯洁.
Congress had done no more than set out some pious hopes.
She was then a very pious , sober, and religious woman.
她那时是个非常虔敬 、 庄严和有信仰的女人.
He was, indeed , a lad of remarkable disposition: sober, discreet, and pious beyond his age.
他真是个气质非凡的孩子,既稳重, 又懂得分寸, 而且虔诚得简直不是他那点年纪的人所能做到的.
Members of the community were considered holy and pious by outsiders of their group.
At the age of 12, he became a pious Christian.
12岁那年起, 卡卡成为一个虔诚的基督徒.
Is emptied of this folk, this pious morn?
来了这些人, 在这敬神的清早?
Having converted to Buddhism, it was important for him to be pious.
初心向佛, 贵在诚心.
Education was not just for the pious.
They were pious people.
His father is a pious confessor.
Jack's parents believe in Sikhism, and Jack is a pious follower.
杰克父母都信锡克教, 他本人更是一个虔诚锡克教徒.
The pious people of the plateau wrote their wishes on the flags to pray for happiness.
She is a pious woman who goes to church every morning.
They were very pious and went to many services in temples, to repent their past mistakes.
他们非常虔诚地参加了庙里的许多法会, 忏悔他们过去生中的罪过.
Pious Muslims may also offer up a kidney to anyone who needs it.
The Roman Catholic Church has for centuries commissioned statues of saints and other pious heroes.
When he is reading the Koran, he looks very serious and pious.
他读可兰经时, 神情认真虔诚.
Pious audiences loved it, says Mr Sutterfield.
Then, with a pious heart, enforcement of a brighter light Tsui pot to collect a moon.
那么, 用一颗虔诚的心, 执一只清亮淡翠的壶,来收取一片月光.
In Jewish legend, the ushpizzin are guests who visit pious at Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles.
在犹太人的传说中, 住棚节之灵是在住棚节时候的访客.
She was an old, garrulous a pawnbroker's widow , who collected used stamps for some pious purpose.
她上了年纪, 好唠叨,她故去的丈夫是典当商,为了某种虔诚的原因收集邮票.
He's a pious adherent of Buddhism.
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