- 双语例句
Accountant John Talbot is a wizard with numbers.
This concludes the demo of the Preinstallation Kit Wizard.
The wizard cannot start unless you install a default printer.
This wizard helps you configure your computer to send and receive faxes.
This wizard automatically creates a columnar data access page.
He was a wizard with camels.
The Create Database Wizard generates data definition language for creating a database.
The wizard is now starting your HyperText Template editor.
Rather, the wizard would an object of some sort – like a message owl, say.
然而, 这名向导将对一些种类的物质实施魔法——比如一只信鸽.
This wizard automatically creates a form in PivotTable view.
This wizard adds a member function to a class, struct, or union.
本向导向类 、 结构或联合添加成员函数.
After virtual hard disk file setup, wizard continue to finish virtual system's settings.
在虚拟硬盘建立后, 向导继续完成虚拟系统的设定.
But don't I need powerful spells if I am to become a powerful wizard?
但是不学强大的魔法,怎么成为一个法力强大的巫师 呢 ?
This wizard helps you troubleshoot any conflicts and prepare the mailbox for reconnection.
Millennia later, a similar garment bestowed invisibility on Harry Potter, a schoolboy wizard.
几千年以后, 又有一件类似的斗篷给了魔法学校学生哈利?波特以隐身的能力.
QQ remote control Wizard Delphi source code, to prepare remote control software can reference!
QQ远控精灵代码DELPHI源码, 编写远程控制软件可以参考!
Hss, Red Wizard would! Frolg believed him!
嘶, 红袍法师会的! 弗罗格相信他!
The ATL Project Wizard creates a project with the structures to contain COM objects.
Now three GUIs are supported: Wizard, Tree and Text.
整个工具支持三种类型的图形界面: 向导 、 树和纯文本.
Click Done to finish the Mail setup Wizard.
Categories; and appointment system and customers to register the Synchronization Wizard Manual.
分类目录; 与预约系统和顾客名册同步的向导手册.
To display the Add Class Wizard for a class, select a template and click Add.
若要显示类的“添加类向导”, 请选择模板并单击“添加”.
Select Report Wizard from the context menu.
Folk Wizard includes Village Wizard, Private Wizard and Visiting Wizard.
民间巫觋包括邑巫 、 私巫和游巫.
The intelligent design wizard system for automobilepanel dies is developed on basis of the upper work.
The wizard generates an entity class with the same name as the corresponding database table.
Using the Database Splitter Wizard, you can split a database into two files.
An unexpected error occured in the Sound Hardware Test Wizard.
An error occured during installation and the wizard was unable to complete.
Provide the member function information in the appropriate wizard boxes.
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