- 双语例句
Grandmother Chen and the " acolyte " had already stolen away.
陈二奶奶和 “ 童儿 ” 已经偷偷的溜了.
汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子
Richard Brome, an acolyte of Ben Jonson's, wrote "The Jovial Crew" in 1641.
Or I, who makes me sad ? The acolyte.
还是我 -- 是谁叫我黯然愁苦?
Acolyte: Seek out the local graveyards. Those buried there will serve you well.
寺僧: 找到当地的坟地. 那些埋在地下的尸体将为你服务.
Acolyte: Damn these intruders! They must not interfere with the master's plan!
侍僧: 该死的入侵者! 他们无法阻止主人的计划的!
Acolyte 500 + 2 bonus to self spell skills ( body, mind, spirit ).
侍僧500+2自我魔法技能 ( 灵魂 、 心智 、 肢体 ).
Acolyte: Faster, my brethren! If we lose the shipment, the master will have our hides!
侍僧: 快点, 弟兄们! 如果我们弄丢了货物, 主人会要了我们的命!
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