- 双语例句
They have to adulterate a Chinese sentence with words taken from English and Malay.
Years ago a friend of mine told me. True love can't adulterate others.
几年前一个现在身在远方的朋友对我说过: 真正的爱情,不能掺杂其他.
Adulterate milk with water.
They have to adulterate a Chinese sentence with words taken from English or Malay.
Cure and regulate pain in menses caused by adulterate some kind of enzyme in blood.
Coal mining enterprises and coal trading enterprises may not adulterate coal andcoalquality coal.
OBJECTIVE To report the breakage of protein and ammo acid in adulterate pangolin.
Consumers adulterate the milk, there will be abdominal pain, diarrhea and so on.
消费者在服用掺假牛奶之后, 会出现腹痛 、 腹泻等现象.
Fairly blacker than poisonous milk: Ton of French chalk adulterate Cheng directly eating flour!
比毒奶还黑: 成吨滑石粉直接掺进面粉!
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