- 双语例句
Hitler turned and peered closely at his aide - de - camp . Those beady eyes never failed to unnerve Puttkamer.
希特勒蓦地转过身来,两眼盯着他的 副官, 他那双咄咄逼人的小眼睛总使普特卡默心里发慌,手足无措.
This tiny bedroom belonged to Washington's aide - de - camp , and the small bed was actually a field - ready roll - up.
这个小小的卧室属于华盛顿的 副官, 小床,实际上是外地准备推出了.
The colonel says that Mr. Clark can be his aide - de - camp .
上校说克拉克先生可以做他的 副官.
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