- 双语例句
Firstly, equiaxed microstructure could be produced by treatments including hot compression and duplex anneal.
This paper direct independent reinforcement of column against, explore anneal reinforcing bar spiral hoops strengthen technology.
本文就是针对独立柱的加固, 探索用退火钢筋绕丝加固技术.
And a clear band with less interferer was seen at 58.6℃ as anneal temperature.
退火温度为58.6℃时,β-actin扩增产物 的条带最清晰.
In glass anneal furnace, SR 70 series programmable PID modulator is used as temperature controller.
在玻璃退火炉温控中, 选用SR70系列可编程PID调制器.
What do you mean by anneal?
——英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语
To do anneal process of bearing steel rod experiments with the furnace, a set of sphe.
对轴承钢盘条在强对流罩式炉中的退火工艺进行试验, 摸索出一套球化退火和再结晶退火工艺.
Reducing annealing furnace: The furnace is used to anneal and reduce cold rolled carbon steels.
还原退火炉: 炉子用于冷轧低碳钢的还原退火.
It can replace traditional isothermal anneal as advance heat treatment of roughcast of bearing rings.
The puller also applied growing and vacuum anneal of laser crystal.
Steel welding construction through vibration ageing or anneal with sufficient strength and rigidity and high accuracy.
For example , heat hardening, anneal, temper and so on.
有淬火 、 退火 、 回火各种热处理设备.
General anneal cooling rate slowest, fire rate quicker, the quenching cooling rate is quicker.
一般地退火的冷却速度最慢, 正火的冷却速度快, 淬火的冷却速度更快.
The resistivity and flexivity of the resistance thermostat metal change while the anneal process change.
Long working life and small deforming can be realized by improving anneal process and quenching process.
Anneal means making harden steel soft and removing brittleness.
The automatic measuring system was designed for leak of annealed used in controllable atmosphere luminous anneal.
Three: they are hardening, temper and anneal.
三个过程: 它们是淬火 、 回火和退火.
Three. They are hardening, temper and anneal.
三种. 它们是淬火 、 回火和退火.
After graduation, I served in the army and meanwhile I went through a lot of anneal.
Temperatures of anneal: At 30℃, the stripes of amplification were most distinctive.
退火温度: 在30℃时扩增条带最清晰.
Results The 302 bp desired product was obtained at each anneal temperature.
结果各退火温度条件下,β-actin扩增产物 均形成长度为302bp片段,且未见非特异性扩增产物条带.
In this paper, we use generation simulated anneal algorithm to calculate the reflector's amplitude.
Mathematical model is calculated linear approximation method, general compound shape method and blend genetic anneal method.
采用线性逼近法 、 一般复合形法、混合遗传退火算法等方法对所建数学模型进行了求解.
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